
Year 3 CERES Excursion: Zero Waste

20 November 2023

This week our Year 3's and Hifz students joined the expert educators at CERES on a journey towards zero waste where students explored the impacts of waste, discovered solutions to reduce waste and demonstrated ways to turn waste into a valuable resource.

The educators guided students through problem solving and action planning to create change within their school community and explore solutions to move towards zero waste at school or home.

During the excursion the students understood waste as a problem that contributes to pollution/climate change.

Students also understood that waste is a valuable resource. They explored ‘Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Repurpose, Recycle’/ ‘Take, Make, Dispose’ as ways to move towards zero waste and resource recovery. Students also learnt that moving towards zero waste benefits the well-being of the planet and all people.