
Year 4 Science Incursion

28 October 2022

Alhamdulillah! Our Year 4’s and Hifz A had a fantastic fun-filled Science incursion this week. In this 90-minute incursion, students investigated different forces to learn more about the relationship between force and motion.

Year 4 Science Incursion

Students explored the effect of friction and learn about the forces of attraction and repulsion between magnets. They were challenged with testing a reaction rocket to investigate air resistance and gravity. The passionate Science educators carefully guided our students through each step, prompting them to predict, observe and reflect on each activity.

Year 4 Science incursion

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  • Sadaf Gauhar Year 5G4 Class Teacher Sadaf Gauhar

    Sadaf Gauhar

    Sadaf Gauhar

    Year 5G4 Class Teacher