
Ilm Students: End of Term BBQ

20 June 2023

Our ILM students and their teachers had a blast on Saturday, 17 June when they enjoyed a delicious BBQ to celebrate the end of the first semester together.

Ilm Students: End of Term BBQ

The Ilm boys were thrilled to play soccer against their Ustadh while the girls played hide and seek with their Ustadha before everyone came together to help cook the BBQ and ate together.

MashaAllah, it was a great way of connection, friendship and unity, and a great way to end a busy first semester with heaps of fun for our students and staff. Alhamdulillah.

Ilm Students: End of Term BBQ

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  • Hafsa Hanif Ilm & Hifz Administration OfficerIlm Religious Teacher Hafsa Hanif

    Hafsa Hanif

    Hafsa Hanif

    Ilm & Hifz Administration OfficerIlm Religious Teacher